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How to Honor and Care for Your Yoni {Sanskrit for Vagina}

The vagina is a powerful space and yet most of us learned to feel shame and guilt around this space and surrounding pleasure in general. This blog will help you recognize the power of this space and begin to reclaim it! Listen to our powerful podcast episode about the yoni here and book a FREE 20 minute call with Cassandra Wilder ND to begin your healing journey.


What do you know about the Yoni? What is it, exactly?

Yoni, in Sanskrit, means “sacred space” and truly, this is the only phrase that perfectly describes how powerful this space really is.

Throughout our childhood, it is quite fascinating how many of learned unclear words and terms for this space. We'd heard it all: no touch zone, pee pee, vajayjay, little muffin, and so much more. When we do not learn what to call our most sacred space, shame and guilt become commonplace. If we cannot even call it our vagina - how can we be connected?

It’s worth pointing out that in latin, the word vagina actually means sword sheath. Even the term vagina exudes shame, despite being the medically appropriate term for it. 

We're here to remind you that your vagina is definitely not just a sword sheath or an object of satisfaction for other people. The vagina is not something we should be ashamed to speak of or a dirty thing that we should be embarrassed about. Your vagina / yoni is your most powerful space.

Women around the world are reclaiming the term Yoni and choosing to call this their most sacred space. When we connect to this sacred space, we reconnect to who we are. We release shame. We reconnect to pleasure. We are more mindful of how we interact with this space, the partners we connect with, the products we use, etc.

If we want to live a connected life with the Divine Feminine and our innate power, we must be connected to our yoni.

Here are 3 powerful ways to reconnect to your Yoni and begin to call her sacred!

How to Honor and Care for your Yoni:

1) Ditch the idea that your yoni is dirty or shameful. Many women grow up feeling like their yoni is misshaped, inherently bad or shame-producing. This is your loving reminder that your yoni is beautiful the way she is. It may be powerful for you to use a small mirror and look at your yoni. It is much easier to feel empowered by something we understand, so choose to understand and connect to your body.

And, whether you choose to remove all hair or leave it natural, your body and yoni is beautiful.

2) Choose who you welcome in your sacred yoni space. Select wisely who is worth entering your sacred space. As you grow your connection with your yoni, you will become far more selective about who is connected enough to you to share in that sacred experience. Even if you are married and in a committed relationship, get in the practice of listening to your body. If you are in the heat of the moment and do not feel connected or activated, this may be a powerful opportunity to share what you need to feel comfortable here, what feels good, etc.

3) Be more aware of the things you insert in your yoni. The yoni is a mucus membrane which means that it is highly absorbent. Therefore, we need to be extra careful with what we insert into it. Commercial pads and tampons are highly bleached items with chemicals, so we recommend using a menstrual cup. Making the switch can also be more empowering and improve your connection with your cycle. If you and your partner are using birth control products such as condoms, or lubricants, you may want to explore other natural options without toxic chemicals and spermicides. This awareness will help you opt for better choices that support vaginal health overall.

Healing the yoni is a powerful journey. You will likely find yourself transforming as you reconnect to this sacred space and reclaim your passion and voice.

On the journey of healing your yoni and releasing shame? Healing a physical health problem? Apply to work with Cassandra Wilder ND here and begin to get results in your health journey.

In gratitude,

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